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Category: Assisted Living

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Expert advice backed by the latest research—for seniors and caregivers alike.

A group of smiling seniors in an assisted living community playing cards together while a doctor checks in on them.

November 7, 2024

How to Qualify for Assisted Living

Transitioning to assisted living is a significant life change that requires careful planning and consideration. Understanding the steps to qualify for assisted living is crucial.
If you are thinking of helping an older loved one or parent move to an assisted living community, following a step-by-step guide and accessing extended resources can help you make sense of the legal considerations and financial details. With a determined mindset and the support of your friends and family, you can make the transition into assisted living a smooth experience. […]

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An older man sitting on a couch with his spouse leaning over his shoulder looking at assisted living forms on a laptop.

What Is an 1823 Form for Assisted Living?

The 1823 form is vital in ensuring that assisted living communities in Florida provide appropriate care to their residents. This comprehensive assessment outlines the resident’s specific needs and helps determine the level of assistance required.
It is a key document in the admissions process for assisted living facilities and helps to establish a baseline for care.

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